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Free 5-Day Email Course. Join over 6,000 other creators learning how to get paid for their knowledge and grow their online following to over 100,000 people using marketing psychology, copywriting principles, and other tactics used by the top 1% of creators online.

Why Most Entrepreneurs Are Burnt Out (And 3 Major Changes I'm Making to Prevent It)

Why Most Entrepreneurs Are Burnt Out (And 3 Major Changes I'm Making to Prevent It)

Why Most Entrepreneurs Are Burnt Out (And 3 Major Changes I'm Making to Prevent It)

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Let me guess. You got onto the entrepreneurial path for the hope of more freedom and abundance…

But then you found yourself on a hamster wheel trying to juggle a dozen different things or constantly pivoting to try to find something that works…

But nothing really works the way you want it to…

Is the promise of success, freedom, and fulfillment just a fantasy? Is it even worthwhile to pursue?

You’re tired of the roller coaster. So am I.

After 10 years in the online business world, making every mistake in the book, here are 3 things I’m now doing differently.

Feel free to copy my strategy.

1. I’m no longer selling “products” — I’m selling “transformation” instead.

Products don’t change people’s lives. People buy them and move on to the next thing. It’s consumerism.

When you sell a product, you’re just a commodity.

But when you provide a transformation, you become immensely valuable to the world. And that’s how you attract abundance into your life.

2. I’m no longer trying to serve everyone — I’m much more picky about who I work with because only a certain kind of person is willing to do what it takes to succeed.

Clients who don’t get results make you look bad.

You need to be more picky about the people you decide to serve so your clients get results and make you look like a genius.

Don’t sell to people with a broke mindset. Until they take a good look at themselves and fix their attitude, they can’t be helped anyway.

Work with winners and simply help them win even more.

3. I’m no longer chasing vanity metrics.

Views don’t matter. Depth matters.

Are you in this for fame or are you in this to actually make a difference in people’s lives?

I have no interest in helping people in a shallow way anymore. I’m looking for the 1% of people I can help in a significant way.

Marketing is a filtering mechanism. Your goal is to weed out everyone who isn’t a good fit so you can attract people who deeply resonate with you and your mission.

Forget the views, followers, and likes. Trust me, it doesn’t matter. I personally know someone with 700,000 followers who struggles to make a full-time living from her audience.

Serve less people but serve them in a bigger way.

You’ll make way more money, a much deeper impact, and you won’t have to get famous in order to do so.

Wishing you the best,

Beau Norton

Founder & Creator

Free 5-Day Email Course. Join over 6,000 other creators learning how to get paid for their knowledge and grow their online following to over 100,000 people using marketing psychology, copywriting principles, and other tactics used by the top 1% of creators online.

Free 5-Day Email Course. Join over 6,000 other creators learning how to get paid for their knowledge and grow their online following to over 100,000 people using marketing psychology, copywriting principles, and other tactics used by the top 1% of creators online.